For those of you needing a quick and lively activity for class you can check out my Valentine hearts vocab review.
How to Play??

This is the same concept as Stephanie Prine’s Cerditos game. The only difference is I changed out the pigs for hearts to be more festive this time of year in the dark February months!

You can either pre-fill out the vocabulary or have students fill in themselves. I personally (since I teach a lower level of Spanish) have the terms I want them to practice printed prior to the lesson. To play the game effectively, have two different colors of crayons. I prefer crayons because they aren’t pointy, they are colorful, and this game makes a perfect use of all those broken crayons you feel guilty throwing away (and let’s be real- you are highly unlikely to do those awesome Pinterest inspired melting crayon projects.) Put those crayons to work, teachers!! My kids’ favorite book right now “The Days the Crayons Quit” is not happening here. I also like using crayons because my middle school students haven’t used those supplies in quite some time and it is good to mix it up and keep them on their toes! 🙂

The teacher will call out the term in Spanish and students will have to locate the English translation faster than their peer in order to color in the heart first. The two students will share the paper. If I have an odd number of students in that particular class, I will have a stronger student or native speaker call out the Spanish terms for speaking practice. The teacher will go around the room asking questions like, ¿Cuántos tienes? (How many do you have?) etc.
You can hit up my TpT store and get this “Pages” file or download the PDF version.