This school year the #BeKind movement has really amplified all that we do as educators. One way that we are walking the talk is celebrating inclusion week!

Having the pledge stated was a great verbal reminder to all students, teachers, and staff on how important this social-emotional learning is. Here are ten ways we focused our efforts to include ALL students:
- Notice and embrace your peers abilities- give someone a heartfelt compliment.
- When given the opportunity, find someone you haven’t worked with in class and ask them to partner up.
- Introduce yourself to someone you may not know and make an effort tot include them in your day.
- Notice someone struggling? Offer to help them!
- See someone alone during free time? Ask them to join you and your friends.
- Be a leader! Stand up and set a good example to everyone even if it is difficult.
- Sit by a new person at lunch at least twice this week or invite someone new to sit at your table.
- Learn at least three new things about someone in a different grade level or on a different team.
- High five or give a big smile to 5 new people this week!
- Learn about a new culture and their holiday traditions. Share your traditions!

How do you celebrate inclusion week?? 🙂